Welcome to the Flying Brains Coaching blog! Here, you will find a wealth of information, tips, and insights on living and thriving with ADHD. Our blog is designed to be a supportive and engaging resource, offering practical advice and inspiring stories to help you on your ADHD journey.
ADHD: A superpower to be unleashed?
Is ADHD your secret weapon or your biggest challenge? The truth is, it’s a bit of both. Explore the debate over whether ADHD is a superpower and discover how you can balance its strengths with the challenges it brings.
Moving Forward: The Essential Role of Exercise in ADHD Management
We all know exercise is good for you, but did you know it can be a game-changer for ADHD? From boosting brain chemicals to improving focus, discover how physical activity can help manage ADHD—and why it’s often easier said than done.
Unleash Your ADHD: How Coaching Can Transform Your Life
Ever feel like you're juggling too many balls, and they're all on fire? ADHD coaching might not extinguish the flames, but it can teach you how to juggle without getting burned. Dive into the world of ADHD coaching and discover how it can help you harness your strengths while managing life’s challenges.
Beyond Attention: How ADHD Disrupts Executive Functioning
ADHD isn’t just about hyperactivity or inattention—it’s about how these traits disrupt executive functions like planning, organizing, and managing time. Learn how ADHD impacts every aspect of daily life and why understanding executive functioning is key to thriving with ADHD.